bash:意外标记“("附近的语法错误 - Python


# from lxml import etree; 
import module2dbk; 
print module2dbk.xsl_transform(etree.parse('test-ccap/col10614/index.cnxml'), []);

Error: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

您是否在 unix 命令提示符下键入此内容?您应该在 python 环境中执行此操作,即.在提示符下输入 python 并从那里开始工作.

Are you typing this at the unix command prompt? You should be doing this inside the python environment, ie. type python at the prompt and work from there.

此外,Python 中的行尾不需要 ;

Also, no ; needed at the end of the line in Python