附近意外的标记'语法错误 - 庆典



I have a written a sample script on my Mac

test() {
  echo "Example"
exit 0


and this works fine by displaying Example


When I run this script on a RedHat machine, it says


syntax error near unexpected token '


I checked that bash is available using

cat /etc/shells

which bash shows /bin/bash 


Did anyone come across the same issue ?



It could be a file encoding issue.

在不同的操作系统和编辑之间的文件时,我曾经遇到过的文件类型编码问题 - 在我的情况下,特别是Linux和Windows系统之间的

I have encountered file type encoding issues when working on files between different operating systems and editors - in my case particularly between Linux and Windows systems.


I suggest checking your file's encoding to make sure it is suitable for the target linux environment. I guess an encoding issue is less likely given you are using a MAC than if you had used a Windows text editor, however I think file encoding is still worth considering.



--- EDIT (Add an actual solution as recommended by @Potatoswatter)

To demonstrate how file type encoding could be this issue, I copy/pasted your example script into Notepad in Windows (I don't have access to a Mac), then copied it to a linux machine and ran it:

jdt@cookielin01:~/windows> sh ./originalfile             
./originalfile: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
'/originalfile: line 2: `test() {

在这种情况下,记事本保存回车换行符和文件,导致上述错误。在 \\ r 表示回车(Linux系统终止与换行 \\ n行只)。

In this case, Notepad saved the file with carriage returns and linefeeds, causing the error shown above. The \r indicates a carriage return (Linux systems terminate lines with linefeeds \n only).


On the linux machine, you could test this theory by running the following to strip carriage returns from the file, if they are present:

cat originalfile | tr -d "\r" > newfile

然后尝试运行新文件 SH ./newfile 。如果一切正常,问题是回车为隐藏字符。

Then try to run the new file sh ./newfile . If this works, the issue was carriage returns as hidden characters.


Note: This is not an exact replication of your environment (I don't have access to a Mac), however it seems likely to me that the issue is that an editor, somewhere, saved carriage returns into the file.

--- /编辑

要详细一点,操作系统和编辑人员可以有不同的文件编码默认值。通常,应用程序和编辑将影响使用的文件类型的编码,例如,我认为微软的记事本和记事本+ +默认的Windows 1252。有可能考虑太换行符差异(在Windows环境中,一个回车和换行通常用于终止在文件中的行,而在Linux和OSX,只有一个换行通常使用)。

To elaborate a little, operating systems and editors can have different file encoding defaults. Typically, applications and editors will influence the filetype encoding used, for instance, I think Microsoft Notepad and Notepad++ default to Windows-1252. There may be newline differences to consider too (In Windows environments, a carriage return and linefeed is often used to terminate lines in files, whilst in Linux and OSX, only a Linefeed is usually used).


A similar question and answer that references file encoding is here: bad character showing up in bash script execution