


I recently encountered some wird behaviour in the .net timespan implementation.

        TimeSpan test = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0.5);
        double ms = test.TotalMilliseconds; // Returns 0


The FromMilliseconds takes a double as parameter. However, it seems the value is rounded internally.


If I instantiate a new timespan with 5000 ticks (.5 ms), the value of TotalMilliseconds is correct.


Looking at the TimeSpan implementation in reflector reveals that the input is in fact casted to a long.


Why did Microsoft design the FromMilliseconds method to take a double a parameter instead of a long (since a double value is useless given this implementation)?


The first consideration is wondering why they selected a double as the return value. Using long would have been an obvious choice. Although there already is a perfectly good property that is long, Ticks is unambiguous with a unit of 100 nanoseconds. But they picked double, probably with the intention to return a fractional value.


That however created a new problem, one that was possibly only discovered later. A double can store only 15 significant digits. A TimeSpan can store 10,000 years. It is very desirable to convert from TimeSpan to milliseconds, then back to TimeSpan and get the same value.

这是不可能与双。做数学:万年大致是10000×365.4×24×3600×1000 = 315,705,600,000,000毫秒。报数15位,最好的双能做到的,你得到的完全的一毫秒为可仍然没有存储舍入误差的最小单位。任何额外的数字将随机噪声。

That isn't possible with a double. Doing the math: 10,000 years is roughly 10000 x 365.4 x 24 x 3600 x 1000 = 315,705,600,000,000 milliseconds. Count off 15 digits, best a double can do, and you get exactly one millisecond as the smallest unit that can still be stored without round-off error. Any extra digits will be random noise.


Stuck between a rock and a hard place, the designers (testers?) had to choose between rounding the value when converting from TimeSpan to milliseconds. Or to do it later when going from milliseconds to TimeSpan. They chose to do it early, a courageous decision.


Solve your problem by using the Ticks property and multiplying by 1E-4 to get milliseconds.