
select distinct b.sheetid,u.deptid,c.participant ,c.participanttype,c.partiintype ,c.workitemid,a.* from wfworkitem a 
inner join softversion_task b on (a.currentState=4 or a.currentState=10) and a.activityinstid = b.activityinstid
inner join wfwiparticipant c on a.workitemid = c.workitemid
inner join taw_system_userrefrole refr on c.participanttype='role' and refr.subroleid = c.participant
inner join taw_system_user u on u.userid = refr.userid



select distinct b.sheetid,u.deptid,c.participant ,c.participanttype,c.partiintype ,c.workitemid from wfworkitem a 
inner join softversion_task b on (a.currentState=4 or a.currentState=10) and a.activityinstid = b.activityinstid 
inner join wfwiparticipant c on a.workitemid = c.workitemid 
inner join taw_system_userrefrole refr on c.participanttype='role' and refr.subroleid = c.participant 
inner join taw_system_user u on u.userid = refr.userid 


==== 思想重于技巧 ====