


I am wondering why when I delete the original array it affects the copied array:

arr = [1,2,3]
arr1 = arr
del arr[:]
print(arr1) #this prints []


but when I modify the elements of the original array there is no effect on the copied array:

arr = [1,2,3]
arr1 = arr
arr = [4,5,6]
print(arr1) #this prints [1,2,3]


If someone can explain this issue I appreciate your help, thanks in advance.

您没有修改原始数组的元素,而是将新列表重新分配给 arr 变量.如果您正确访问元素的元素,您对元素更改的直觉将反映在 arr1 中,因为Python中的列表是 mutable .例如,

You did not modify the elements of the original array, but rather re-assigned a new list to the arr variable. Your intuition of thinking changes to elements would be reflected in arr1 if you properly accessed its elements is indeed true as lists are mutable in Python. For instance,

arr = [1,2,3]
arr1 = arr
arr[1] = 4
print(arr1) #this prints [1,4,3]