

Apple拒绝了我的应用程序,因为我没有提供测试帐户. 我的应用仅具有通过OTP登录的选项. 因此,如何说服苹果公司做到这一点.

Apple rejected my app because I haven't provided a test account. My app has login option only via OTP. So, how to convince Apple about same.


Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

我们已经开始审核您的应用,但我们无法 继续,因为我们需要有关您的应用的其他信息.

We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need additional information about your app.


为帮助我们继续审核您的应用,请提供 有关以下问题的详细信息.更多信息 您可以提前提供,我们将尽快完成您的审核.

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide detailed information to the following questions. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

  • 请提供演示手机号码和验证码以供审核

一旦您在解决方案中心"中回复此消息并要求 信息,我们可以继续进行您的审查.

Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested information, we can proceed with your review.


Assumed that, you are storing mobile number and saving OTP to your server side. So that, when user will enter his OTP code, then it will check with mobile number and give access to use the app.


  1. 将手机号码添加到服务器.例如123-456-0789
  2. 将静态OTP分配给该号码.例如"1234"
  3. 将相同的手机号码提供给Apple进行审核.
  4. 现在,当Apple审核该应用程序时,他们将输入手机号码为"123-456-0789",他将收到有关OTP的消息. (仅在屏幕上显示,但不要向该号码发送OTP.
  5. 在OTP输入屏幕上,Apple将输入"1234",这将验证服务器,Apple可以查看该应用程序.

注意: 无需再次提交构建.请注意,已添加了模拟帐户凭据.

Note: No need to submit build again. Just inform that, demo account credential has been added.


Hope, this helps to move further for your app process.