应用程序被拒绝是因为只使用 Facebook 作为登录选项?


我的应用是基于 Facebook 的照片分享应用,Facebook 是注册和登录的唯一选项,但我的应用被拒绝并显示以下消息:

My app is a photo-sharing app based on Facebook, and Facebook is the only option for register and login, but my app got rejected with following message:


17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected:

我们发现您的应用使用 Facebook 登录进行身份验证仅 - 但不包括其提供的任何基于帐户的功能地点.这不符合 App Store 审核指南.

We found that your app uses Facebook login for authentication purposes only - but does not include any account-based features offered by that site. This is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

修改您的应用以包含基于帐户的该社交网络的功能 - 或使用您自己的身份验证机制.

It would be appropriate to modify your app to include account-based features of that social network - or use your own authentication mechanism.

但显然我的应用是基于 Facebook 的,用户可以将照片分享到 Facebook,并邀请他们的 Facebook 朋友加入,所以我没有看到我们的应用将 Facebook 登录用于仅用于身份验证".

But clearly my app is based on Facebook and user could share photo to Facebook, and invite their Facebook friend to join, so I dont see our app is using Facebook login for "authentication purposes only".



Respond to the reviewer explaining that, providing steps on how to do it. It's possible that functionality was just overlooked.