

我们正在将Facebook集成到我们的平台中;我们为不同的客户提供服务,并且每个客户都有不同的访问URL: http://customer1.example.com ; http://customer2.example.com ,依此类推.我们正在实施OAuth 2.0,以便客户能够在应用程序内执行某些Facebook操作.

We're integrating facebook in our platform; we serve different customers and each one has a different access URL: http://customer1.example.com; http://customer2.example.com and so on. We're implementing OAuth 2.0 so customers are able to perform certain facebook actions from within the app.

从文档的外观( https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/),为了使授权流程正常工作,每个客户似乎需要一个facebook应用.有没有一种方法可以指定通配符"网站URL,例如:http://*.example.com?

From the looks of the documentation (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/), it seems that we'll need one facebook app per customer, to make the authorization flow work. Is there a way to specify a "wildcard" Site URL, let's say: http://*.example.com ?

更新3/19/2014 -有人抱怨此功能已被禁用.

UPDATE 3/19/2014 - there have been complaints that this functionality has been disabled.

facebook设置页面中的 App Domains 设置旁边的工具提示文本> 明确指出这是可能的:

The tooltip text next to the App Domains setting in the facebook settings page explicitly states that this is possible:

在域和子域上启用身份验证(例如,"example.com"将启用* .example.com)

Enable auth on domain and subdomain(s) (e.g., "example.com" will enable *.example.com)