“发送到手机"Facebook应用页面上的通知未重定向到Google Play


我已经开发了一个Android应用"Smarter App",我正尝试将其集成到Facebook.现在,我得到带有封面图像下方的转到应用程序"和发送至手机"按钮的应用程序页面.在发送到手机"上单击后,它在我的手机上发送了通知.但是,当我单击通知("Android上的Smarter Car已准备在您的手机上使用.开始使用")时,它不会转到我可以在其中安装此应用的Google应用商店.

I have developed one android app "Smarter App" which I am trying to integrate to facebook. Now I am getting app page with "Go to app" and "send to mobile" button below cover image. On "Send to mobile" click, it sent notification on my mobile. But when I click on the notification ("Smarter Car for android is ready to use on your mobile. Start using"), it does not go to google app store from where I can install this app.


Got help from one facebook developer.


Solution : Set a mobile URL in your developer settings, and then make that redirect to app store.