Tomcat - 想要清除正在取消部署的应用程序的缓存


我在我的 Ubuntu 服务器 14.04 最小平台上运行了 Tomcat6,并部署了一个 .war 文件.

I've got Tomcat6 running on my Ubuntu server 14.04 minimal platform and had deployed a .war file.

但是,在应用程序的初始设置期间,事情并不顺利,我正在尝试从 tomcat 管理器中取消部署该应用程序.不幸的是,当我重新部署应用程序并启动它时,之前的安装出现了.

However, things did not go right during the initial setup of the app and I'm trying to undeploy the app from tomcat manager. Unfortunately when I re-deploy the app and start it, the previous install comes up.


How can I get a fresh install of the app? (I've also tried "reload" but no luck)


在 Tomcat 中,您有一个名为work"的文件夹.

In Tomcat you have a folder called "work".

Go to <TOMCAT_HOME>/work/Catalina/<HOSTNAME>


In this location you will find your application. Delete the application from this location and try to redeploy your application and give a try !!!