




我正在使用visual C ++ 6.0,在一个程序中我正在比较float和double变量

I am using visual C++ 6.0 and in a program I am comparing float and double variables For example for this program

int main()  
    float a = 0.7f;
    double b = 0.7; 
    printf("%d %d %d",a<b,a>b,a==b);
    return 0;

我得到1 0 0作为输出

I am getting 1 0 0 as output

int main()  
    float a = 1.7f;
    double b = 1.7; 
    printf("%d %d %d",a<b,a>b,a==b);
    return 0;

我得到0 1 0作为输出。

I am getting 0 1 0 as output.


Please tell me why I am getting these weird output and is there any way to predict these outputs on the same processor. Also how comparison is done of two variables in C ?


It has to do with the way the internal representation of floats and doubles are in the computer. Computers store numbers in binary which is base 2. Base 10 numbers when stored in binary may have repeating digits and the "exact" value stored in the computer is not the same.


When you compare floats, it's common to use an epsilon to denote a small change in values. For example:

float epsilon = 0.000000001;
float a = 0.7;
double b = 0.7;

if (abs(a - b) < epsilon)
  // they are close enough to be equal.