Android SQLite数据库

Android SQLite数据库


我正在使用Android SQLiteDatabases第一次,我在Android应用程序中有两种不同的形式,我必须创建两个不同的表,所以只想知道我是否必须为此创建两个不同的数据库,或者我可以创建同一张桌子上的两张桌子?



I Am Working On Android SQLiteDatabases First Time , I Have Two Different forms in android application for which i have to create two different Tables, So Just Want to know whether i have to create two different databases for that or i can create the two tables in the same table?

Any Help Or Links Will Be Appreciated.
Thanks In Advance...!

You usually can handle all the data needed by one (or more) application using one database (and it makes perfect sense). However no one prevents you creating two databases.