


我遵循了PushSharp存储库中的示例: PushSharp Android客户端示例

I followed the example in the PushSharp repository at: PushSharp Android Client Sample


Everything is working great if the app is open or in the background (by hitting home or back button). If I close the app by swiping it away in the application manager I no longer receive notifications, though.


My assumption was that since the PushHandlerService is marked as a [Service] that it would remain open even when the app is closed and continue to listen for notifications. Is there a way to continue to receive notifications with the app closed, or am I just doing it wrong?


I would include code but what I've got is taken pretty much exactly from the example at the above link.


I tried firing PushClient.Register on app start even through the device is already registered in hopes that this would start the PushHandlerService if it wasn't started. Even with re-registering on each launch of the app I still don't receive notification when the app is closed.


Did you tried it with debug, or release mode? I experienced the same when I started my app in Debug mode.