Worklight 6.2 Android应用程序未在推送通知时启动


我正在尝试将推送通知用于在Worklight 6.2中编写的Android环境应用程序。我已经让应用程序接收推送通知,但是当我点击状态栏中的通知时,它会清除通知但不启动应用程序。

I am attempting to get push notifications to work on an Android environment app written in Worklight 6.2. I have gotten the app to receive push notifications, but when I tap on the notification in the status bar, it clears the notification but does not launch the app.

我有看看这里的答案, IBM Worklight - 在关闭手机/应用程序时未获得推送通知,但将app_name字符串更改回应用程序的原始名称(如接受的答案所示),不会导致应用程序推出。我还尝试了另一个注释建议,从app描述符中删除displayName中的嵌入空格,这也没有用。

I have looked at the answer here, IBM Worklight - Not getting Push Notifications when phone/app is closed, but changing the app_name string back to the original name of the app, as the accepted answer suggests, does not cause the app to launch. I also tried another one of the comments suggestions to remove embedded spaces from the displayName in the app descriptor, and that also did not work.


I've watched the logcat and do not see any messages to indicate that it failed to find an app to launch. I was hoping something in there would give me a hint as to what it is looking for, but no luck.


Is there another setting somewhere that has gotten out of sync so that clicking the notification does not launch the app? I cannot find anything else myself (probably because it doesn't exist).



See my explanation in my in answer to following question. It also provides a solution: App not opened when clicking on message in notification area


res\values\strings.xml中的 app_name 值在内部用于创建Intent对象。因此,当应用关闭并且GCMIntentService收到消息时,它会创建一个意图,其操作为< packagename>。< app_name> 并将其发送到通知服务在通知栏中显示通知。

The app_name value in res\values\strings.xml is used internally to create Intent objects. So when the app is closed and the GCMIntentService receives a message, it creates an intent with the action as <packagename>.<app_name> and send it to notification service to show the notification in the notifications bar.


This is the intent name as used in AndroidManifest.xml to indicate that app has to be launched on tapping the notification:

<activity android:name=".PushNotifications" android:label="@string/app_name" android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|screenSize" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" android:screenOrientation="sensor"> 
        <action android:name="com.PushNotifications.PushNotifications.NOTIFICATION"/>  
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> 

现在,如果将 app_name 更改为任何其他字符串,内部的Intent将被创建为 com.PushNotifications。< new_name>

但AndroidManifest.xml仍然有例如 com.PushNotifications.PushNotifications (在示例应用程序的情况下),因此应用程序未启动,因为意图操作不同。

So now if the app_name is changed to any other string, internally the Intent will be created as com.PushNotifications.<new_name>.
But the AndroidManifest.xml still has for example com.PushNotifications.PushNotifications (in the case of the sample application), so the app is not getting launched as the intent action is different.


To display the application with a different name, follow these steps:

  1. 在strings.xml中,添加一个额外的new_name_value

  2. 在AndroidManifest.xml中,使用新的字符串名称修改标签

  1. In strings.xml, add an additional new_name_value
  2. In AndroidManifest.xml , modify the label with the new string name

<application android:label="@string/app_new_name" android:icon="@drawable/icon"> 
<activity android:name=".PushNotifications" android:label="@string/app_new_name"...