



I'm trying to get an example of passing a list from JSP to the Controller to work:

http://viralpatel.net/blogs/spring -mvc-multi-row-submit-java-list/


the problem I have with this example is that I do not get the JSP /WebContent/WEB-INF/jsp/add_contact.jsp to work. He has the line:

<c:foreach items="${contactForm.contacts}" var="contact" varstatus="status">

并且 varstatus 变量出现错误.他从哪里获得该变量的值?他将其用作列表行索引,但值应从何而来?我在日食中收到警告,它是一个未定义的变量varstatus,如果我仍将其部署到tomcat,则会收到以下错误:jstl foreach标记不支持多个变量(因为我已经在那儿有联系了). /p>

and i'm getting errors with the varstatus variable. From where is he getting the values for this variable? He is using it as a list row index, but from where should the values come? I get the warning in eclipse that it is a not defined variable varstatus and if i still deploy it to tomcat, then i get the error that jstl foreach tag does not support more than one variable (as i already have the contact there).

The forEach tag and attributes are case sensitive.

<c:forEach items="${contactForm.contacts}" var="contact" varStatus="status">
    <c:out value="${status.index}" />: <c:out value="${contact}" />


It's possible the error messages generated by Eclipse are misleading. It's also possible the error is originating from somewhere else on the page. If this does not resolve the problem, post the full JSP and stacktrace for better understanding.