

这是一个简化(并非真实世界)的示例.假设有一个域模型-一个 Movie 类,它具有一个参与者列表.类 Actor 具有三个字段(名称出生日期 rolesNumber ).以下代码说明了这种情况:

Here is a simplified (NOT real world) example. Suppose there is a domain model - a class Movie, which has a List of actors. A class Actor has three fields (name, birthDate, rolesNumber). The following code is an illustration of this scenario:


public class Movie {

    // some fields

    private List<Actor> actors;

    // getters and setters


public class Actor {

    private String name;

    private Date birthDate;

    private int rolesNumber;

    // getters and setters


There is also a JSP page where we output in a loop the information about every actor that plays in a concrete movie and the user can update the corresponding text field values and submit changes to a servlet:


<c:forEach items="${movie.actors}" var="actor">
            <td><input type="text" value="${actor.name}" /></td>
            <th>Birth Date</th>
            <td><input type="text" value="${actor.birthDate}" /></td>
            <th>Number of Previous Roles</th>
            <td><input type="text" value="${actor.rolesNumber}" /></td>
    <hr />

众所周知,为了检索servlet中的文本字段,可以使用 ServletRequest的方法,例如 getParameterValues() 等.但是,如何检索更新的输入字段作为对象列表(这样每三个相关的值都被分组)?

It is known that in order to retrieve text fields in a servlet, one can use ServletRequest's methods like getParameter() or getParameterValues() etc. But how to retrieve the updated input fields as a List of objects (so that every three related values were grouped)?

如果这是Spring项目,我们可以使用Spring的<form:form modelAttribute="modelName">
标签,并在 modelAttribute 中定义了后备对象.但是纯JSP/Servlet项目呢?

If it were Spring project we could use Spring's <form:form modelAttribute="modelName">
tag and have a backing object defined in the modelAttribute. But how about pure JSP/Servlet project?

一种可能的解决方案是在文本输入的" name "属性中分配名称,并附加 varStatus.index ,如下所示:

One of the possible solutions is to assign names in the "name" attribute of the text inputs and append varStatus.index, like this:

<c:forEach items="${movie.actors}" var="actor" varStatus="counter">
            <td><input type="text" name="name${counter.index}" value="${actor.name}" /></td>
    <hr />


So this index would allow us to identify values related to ONE object. And we could also generate some hidden input field where we could store a loop count (a number of actors), and then in a servlet we could retrieve the values related to one object like this:

List<Actor> actors= new ArrayList<Actor>();
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    String name= request.getParamater("name" + i);
    Date birthDate = dateFormat.parse(request.getParamater("birthDate" + i));
    int rolesNumber = Integer.parseInt(request.getParamater("rolesNumber" + i));

    Actor actor = new Actor(name, birthDate, rolesNumber);


  1. 是否存在另一种更优雅,更有效的方法,将更新的文本字段值作为对象列表?


Is there any solution similar or equivalent to that of the Spring's <form:form> tag in a world of pure JSP/JSTL/EL/Servlets?




Looks like nobody knows the answer to the above questions. The accepted answer is not exactly what I asked for (see my comments to it).

在纯Servlets/JSP的世界中,似乎没有与Spring的<form:form modelAttribute>标记等效的东西.

There seems to be no equivalent of Spring's <form:form modelAttribute> tag or something similar in the world of pure Servlets/JSP.

完整的 Java EE Spring框架网络应用程序框架

Well, full Java EE, or Spring Framework, Apache Struts or another powerful web application framework to the rescue!


you can use the same name(revisionNumber) for all the inputs and use

String[] revisionNumber = request.getParamaterValues("revisionNumber")获取数组.