错误 ITMS-9000:无效的代码签名

错误 ITMS-9000:无效的代码签名


对于 Adob​​e AIR 应用程序(已在 Apple App Store 发布一年多),我尝试使用 Application Loader 提交更新,但收到以下错误:

For an Adobe AIR app (which is published since over a year in Apple App Store) I'm trying to submit an update using Application Loader, but get the following error:

错误 ITMS-9000:代码签名无效.可执行文件'Payload/XXX.app/XXX' 必须用证书签名包含在配置文件中."在软件资产/软件资产 (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)

ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Code Signing. The executable 'Payload/XXX.app/XXX' must be signed with the certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile." at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)

该应用是使用 Flash Builder 4.7、Apache Flex 4.11.0 和 AIR 4.0 创建的:

The app has been created with Flash Builder 4.7 and Apache Flex 4.11.0 and AIR 4.0:

该应用程序在我的测试设备 (iPhone 5c) 上编译并运行得很好.

The app compiles and runs at my test device (iPhone 5c) just fine.


Why is it rejected by the Application Loader?


It could be something minor, like a missing icon or splash image...

当然,我已经尝试了几次显而易见的方法,并撤销/创建了新证书并为 App Store 创建了新的分发配置文件.

Of course I have tried the obvious several times and revoked/created new certifcates and created new distribution provisioning profiles for the App Store.

以下是我的 XXX-app.xml 的摘录:

Below is the excerpt from my XXX-app.xml:






.ipa 文件中包含的启动图像是:

The splash images included in the .ipa file are:


您需要使用 AIR 4.0 测试版(可从安装程序 AIR 菜单中选择).

You need you use the AIR 4.0 beta (selectable form the installer AIR menu).

已解决的问题之一是:错误 3686074:[APPLE][XCODE5] 从 2 月 1 日起,提交到 App Store 的新应用和应用更新必须使用最新版本的 Xcode 5 构建

One of the fixed issues is: Bug 3686074: [APPLE][XCODE5] New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with the latest version of Xcode 5 from Feb1