从Silverlight Web应用程序调用WCF服务方法

从Silverlight Web应用程序调用WCF服务方法


我正在开发一个Silverlight Web应用程序,该应用程序使用WCF服务方法与数据库进行交互. 我得到了System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException.我不知道哪里出了问题.这是Im使用...的代码部分...


I am developing a silverlight web application which uses WCF service methods to interact with database..
I got System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException. I dont know where it went wrong. Here is the code section Im using...

In MainPage.xaml.cs:

private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            c.GetNameCompleted += new  EventHandler<GetNameCompletedEventArgs>(c_GetNameCompleted);

        void c_GetNameCompleted(object sender, GetNameCompletedEventArgs e)
            txtCustName.Text = (string)e.Result;


Thanks in Advance,

问题是,当您在asp.net Web项目中添加WCF服务时,默认情况下它将wsHttpBinding添加为默认配置.现在看起来Silverlight尚未实现WSHttpBinding,因此我在客户端使用BasicHttpBinding. WSHttpBinding使用SOAP 1.2,而BasicHttpBinding使用SOAP 1.1&因此协议异常.您可能猜到的解决方案是将web.config更改为具有binding ="basicHttoBinding"->刷新SL项目中的服务引用.
The issue is when you add a WCF service in your asp.net web project it by default adds the wsHttpBinding as a default configuration. Now looks like the Silverlight does not have WSHttpBinding implemented yet so I was using BasicHttpBinding on the client side. WSHttpBinding uses SOAP 1.2 while BasicHttpBinding uses SOAP 1.1 & hence the protocol exception. The solution as you might guess is to change your web.config to have binding="basicHttoBinding" -> refresh the service ref in SL project.