从iPhone应用程序调用Rest Web服务


嗨 我是iPhone开发的新手,正在开发一个必须调用Web服务的应用程序,该服务将检查登录详细信息的有效性,但是我无法以正确的方式调用它.我有xml和托管位置,任何人都可以向我提供一个示例,说明如何将xml与url一起使用以正确调用该Web服务.

Hi I am a newbie in iPhone development , i am developing a app in which i have to call a web service which will check the validity of login details ,but i am not able to call it in a right manner.I have the xml and the location at which it is hosted ,Can anyone provide me a sample of how to use the xml with the url to correctly call that web service.
Thanks in advance.

检查 ^ ].您会发现很多讨论和许多有用的链接.开始探索它们.

另请参见如何在iPhone中使用Webservice. [ ^ ].
Check WebService [How-To][^]. You will find so much discussion and so many useful links. Start exploring them.

Also see How to consume Webservice in iphone.[^].