无法卸载Visual Studio 2017 RC

无法卸载Visual Studio 2017 RC


我是使用虚幻引擎4的游戏开发人员,需要Visual Studio编码C ++脚本.因此,我决定安装最新版本的Visual Studio:Visual Studio 2017 RC.但是,Unreal无法找到Visual Studio,因为它安装在与Visual Studio 2015不同的目录中,Visual Studio是Unreal搜索的主要软件.有了这个问题,我决定卸载2017来安装2015. 点击卸载"在控制面板中>程序>程序和功能,仅以某种方式仅卸载了安装程序.在同一窗口中,Visual Studio 2017不存在,表明已被删除.但是,我仍然可以从 开始"菜单和任务栏,并且包含该应用程序的文件仍然在那里.我重新安装了安装程序,它通知我无法安装Visual Studio 2017 RC,因为文件目录为非空目录(Visual Studio占用了该目录) 无法卸载),安装程序无法将其卸载.我回到了程序和功能,然后神奇地出现了Visual Studio 2017.从那里卸载它会导致同样的问题.我该如何卸载它.谢谢

I am a game developer using Unreal Engine 4 which requires Visual Studio to code C++ scripts. So, I decided to install the latest edition of Visual Studio: Visual Studio 2017 RC. However, Unreal could not locate Visual Studio since it was installed in a different directory than Visual Studio 2015, the main software Unreal searches for. With that problem, I decided to uninstall 2017 to install 2015. I clicked "Uninstall" in Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, which somehow only uninstalled the installer. In the same window, Visual Studio 2017 was not there, showing that it was deleted. However, I could still access it from the Start menu and taskbar, and the file containing the application was still there. I reinstalled the installer and it informed me that I could not install Visual Studio 2017 RC because the file directory was nonempty (where it was occupied by Visual Studio which could not uninstall) and there was no way to uninstall it by the installer. I returned to Programs and Features, and magically, Visual Studio 2017 appeared. Uninstalling it from there would lead to the same problem. How can I uninstall it. Thank you in advance. 


Hi HDugmag,


Try to run this uninstaller https://github.com/Microsoft/VisualStudioUninstaller/releases

如果这不起作用,请在提示符命令中再次运行Visual Studio 2017安装程序. '/uninstall/force'

If this not work run the Visual Studio 2017 setup again in prompt command with  ' /uninstall /force '