


我感动从一个项目类型化的DataSet到一个ASP Web应用程序项目。我把类型化数据集到现有的目录之一,因为它是在previous网站的APP_ code目录中却看不到创造这个项目asp.net文件夹选项。

I moved a typed dataset from one project to an ASP Web Application project. I put the typed dataset into one of the existing directories as it was in the App_Code directory of the previous site but don't see the option to create that asp.net folder in this project.


Now, when I try to instantiate the typed dataset, the compiler says 'The type or namespace name '' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)'.



You may need to re-gen the DataSet. When you move the .xsd, you've only moved the xml layout of the DataSet.


Delete any generated code file, open the xsd, move something, and then save it. The save operation calls the generator. Or you can right-click on the .xsd file and call the generator directly.