如何在Eclipse Juno中打开OSGi控制台?

如何在Eclipse Juno中打开OSGi控制台?


$ eclipse -console

以上命令在不同的窗口中打开OSGi控制台和Eclipse IDE.是否可以在Eclipse的控制台视图中将OSGi控制台带入其中的任何选项?

The above command opens OSGi console and Eclipse IDE in different windows. Is there any options where OSGi Console can be brought inside in console view of Eclipse?

是的.在Eclipse中转到Run Configuration....双击OSGi Framework将为您添加一个新的Run Project.在第一个视图中,您可以添加要运行的所有捆绑软件.但是现在取消所有选择,然后单击运行.然后,将在Eclipse中打开OSGi控制台.

Yes there is. Go to Run Configuration... in Eclipse. Double click on OSGi Framework will add a new Run Project for you. In the first view you can add all bundles you want to run. But for now deselect all and click on run. Then an OSGi console will be open in Eclipse.