



My UIMap has grown so large that I am attempting to split it up now. I have read the CUIT best practices for large projects. I would like to have, for each logical use-case its own UIMap. I would have the UIMap in its dedicated namespace, together with its CUIT test methods. However, whenever I create a new action recording, the generated code is automatically assigned to some default UIMap in the root directory. I would like it to generate code into the UIMap that my current test methods are using, not he default one. So e.g. if I have a CUIT test class Producs.cs and it uses generated code from ProductsUIMap, when I create a new action recording in Products.cs, I would like it to add the new recording into the ProductsUIMap within its namespace, not into the default UIMap file.

如果我理解正确,你可以选择你想要添加新记录方法的UIMap,对吧单击,选择"使用CodedUI Test Builder编辑",记录方法并生成代码。新方法将添加到您选择
If i understood it right, you can select the UIMap where you want to add the new recorded method, right click, select "Edit with CodedUI Test Builder", record the method and generate the code. The new method will be added to the map that you selected.