iOS – UILocalNotification 为同一个通知触发两次

iOS – UILocalNotification 为同一个通知触发两次


如果我安排两个 UILocalNotification 并将它们都设置为在完全相同的 fireDate 触发.然后在设备(这不是模拟器错误)的 fireDate 上,application:didReceiveLocalNotification: 将触发 4 次(每个通知 2 次).这是一个已知的错误?因为我一直没能找到关于它的任何信息.

If I schedule two UILocalNotifications and set them both to fire at the exact same fireDate. Then on the device (this is not the simulator bug) on the fireDate the application:didReceiveLocalNotification: will fire 4 times (2 times for each notification). Is this a known bug? Because I have not been able to find any information about it.

请向 http://bugreport 报告错误.苹果网.


Having said that, it has been noticed before that while there is the bug in the simulator there also appears to be a bug on the device.

查看关于这个 SO 问题的评论和答案:本地通知didReceiveLocalNotification";调用两次

See the comments and answers on this SO question: local notification "didReceiveLocalNotification" calls twice