如何设置< h:inputText>的提交值在< ui:repeat>内部进入地图,集合或列表

如何设置< h:inputText>的提交值在< ui:repeat>内部进入地图,集合或列表



I would like to know if it possible to push a value from inside a <ui:repeat> to a map, a set or a list?


I would like to pass the value of the <h:inputtext> to a set.


<ui:repeat var="_par" value="#{cmsFilterParameterHandler.normaleSuchParameter()}">

      <p:outputLabel value="#{_par.bezeichnung}" />
      <p:spacer width="5px" />
      <p:inputText id="me" value="#{??? push me to a set ???}"/>
      <br /><br />



With a Set, it is not possible as it doesn't allow referencing items by index or key. It's however possible with a List and a Map by just specifying the list index and map key in the input value.


private List<String> list; // +getter (no setter necessary)

public void init() { 
    list = createAndFillItSomehow();

<ui:repeat value="#{bean.list}" varStatus="loop">
    <h:inputText value="#{bean.list[loop.index]}" />


With a Map (only if your environment supports EL 2.2 or JBoss EL):

private Map<String, String> map; // +getter (no setter necessary)

public void init() { 
    map = createAndFillItSomehow();

<ui:repeat value="#{bean.map.entrySet().toArray()}" var="entry">
    <h:inputText value="#{bean.map[entry.key]}" />

请注意,规范方法是使用完全有价值的Javabeans List.假设具有属性idvalue的名为Par的Javabean类准确地映射到DB中具有列idvaluepar表:

Noted should be that the canonical approach is to use a List of fullworthy javabeans. Let's assume a Javabean class named Par with properties id and value which maps exactly to a par table in DB with columns id and value:

private List<Par> pars; // +getter (no setter necessary)

public void init() { 
    pars = createAndFillItSomehow();

<ui:repeat value="#{bean.pars}" var="par">
    <h:inputText value="#{par.value}" />

无论哪种方式,它在使用<p:inputText>时都可以很好地工作,它与PrimeFaces毫无关系,在这个问题的上下文中,它仅仅是一个基于jQuery的JSF UI组件库.只需将h:替换为p:即可将其打开.

Either way, it works as good when using <p:inputText>, it's in no way related to PrimeFaces, it's in the context of this question merely a jQuery based JSF UI component library. Just replace h: by p: to turn it on.