为什么我们不能做 Listmylist = ArrayList();

为什么我们不能做 List<Parent>mylist = ArrayList<child>();



List<Parent> mylist = ArrayList<child>();


Suppose we could. Then this program would have to be fine:

ArrayList<Banana> bananas = new ArrayList<Banana>();
List<Fruit> fruit = bananas;
fruit.add(new Apple());

Banana banana = bananas.get(0);

这显然不是类型安全的 - 您最终在香蕉集合中得到了一个苹果.

That's clearly not type safe - you've ended up with an apple in the collection of bananas.


List<? extends Fruit> fruit = new ArrayList<Banana>();


this is safe, because the compiler won't then let you try to add to the list of fruit. It knows that it's a list of some kind of fruit, so you could write:

Fruit firstFruit = fruit.get(0);


but it doesn't know what exact kind of fruit it's a list of, and make sure you can't do the wrong thing.

请参阅 Java 泛型常见问题解答另一种解释.