



Swift 中的扩展可以:

Extensions in Swift can:


Add computed properties and computed static properties Define instance methods and type methods Provide new initializers Define subscripts Define and use new nested types Make an existing type conform to a protocol

  1. 但为什么不存储属性?
  2. 内存存储和分配有什么不同?

假设您有一个具有 Int 存储属性的类.创建实例时,分配的存储空间仅包含一个属性.

Say you have a class with an Int stored property. When an instance is created, the storage is allocated to contain one property only.

接下来创建一个扩展并添加一个 String 类型的存储属性.创建实例时,存储空间被分配为包含 2 个属性,一个 Int 和一个 String.

Next you create an extension and add a stored property of type String. When you create an instance, the storage is allocated to contain 2 properties, an Int and a String.

只要扩展在作用域内,类就有 2 个属性.扩展不可用的所有地方(例如,因为它是私有的或内部的),该类具有 1 个属性.

As long as the extension is in the scope, the class has 2 properties. All places where the extension is not available (for instance because it is private or internal), the class has 1 property instead.


It's easy to understand that the same class in two different contexts is not compatible with itself.

此外,您不能假设扩展程序可以公开为随处可见.想想 UIView 类:您创建一个扩展并添加一个存储属性,该属性在您的项目中可见.但是 UIView 也由 UIKit 实例化,例如在 outlet 中,但它无法访问您的自定义扩展.

Also, You cannot make the assumption that the extension can be made public to be visible everywhere. Think of the UIView class: you create an extension and add a stored property, which is visible in your project. But UIView is also instantiated by UIKit, for instance in outlets, but it has no access to your custom extension.

看到区别了吗?添加一个新的存储属性实际上会创建一个与原始类不同的新类类型 - 所以这是不允许的.为此有一个特定的工具:继承.

See the difference? Adding a new stored property actually creates a new class type which is different than the original one - so it is not allowed. There's a specific tool for that: inheritance.