



How do I fix the error "Cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'int'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?). I don't see where I am changing an int to a double. Here's the following code I am working with:

namespace Chapter_9
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Circle create = new Circle();
            WriteLine("Radius = {0}", create.GetRadius());
            WriteLine("Diameter = {0}", create.GetDiameter());
            WriteLine("Area = {0}", create.GetArea());
    class Circle
        private int Radius;
        private readonly int Diameter;
        private readonly double Area;

        public Circle()
            CircleRadius = 1;
        public int CircleRadius { get; set; }
        public int GetRadius()
            return Radius;
        public void SetRadius(int radius)
            Radius = radius;
        public int GetDiameter()
            int Diameter = Radius * 2;
            return Diameter;
        public int GetArea()
            double Area = Radius * Radius * Math.PI;
            return Area; <--------- !!!!ERROR IS HERE!!!

如您所说,您的主要问题是您希望对整数进行精确的十进制计算.但是,您的 public int GetArea()的返回类型是 int .要解决您眼前的问题-只需将其类型更改为double,就可以了!

As you said, your main problem is that you want precise decimal calculation over integers. Yet your return type of public int GetArea() is int. To fix your immediate problem - just change its type to double and that will be it!

但是,您还可以进行其他一些改进.首先-您具有 public int CircleRadius {get;放;} 未使用.然后,就像@Enigmativity所说的那样,您正在用Java风格编写此代码.多使用自动属性,会容易得多.并记下您的字段-您已声明了它们,但尚未使用...

However there are a couple of other improvements you can make. First of all - you have public int CircleRadius { get; set; } that is not used. Then, as @Enigmativity said you are writing this in Java style. Use autoproperties a bit more, it will be much easier. And take note of your fields - you declared them but have not used...


Here is a cleaned up class:

class Circle
    public double Radius {get; set;}
    public double Diameter 
            return Radius * 2;
    public double Area
            return Radius * Radius * Math.PI;

    public Circle()
        this.Radius = 1;


static void Main(string[] args)
    Circle create = new Circle();
    create.Radius = 2;
    WriteLine("Radius = {0}", create.Radius);
    WriteLine("Diameter = {0}", create.Diameter);
    WriteLine("Area = {0}", create.Area);