不能在asp.net c#中隐式地将类型'int'转换为'string'

不能在asp.net c#中隐式地将类型'int'转换为'string'



Pls some one help to correct this error to convert int to string My code is in c# is

Session["priceday1"] = Label2.Text ;

               Label4.Text = Convert.ToInt32(Session["priceday1"].ToString())  / 44;


In second line there is error to convert int to string so.Pls some one help that how to correct this erro.

我不会使用转换at所有。当字符串无法转换时,您必须捕获一个丑陋的异常。 int.TryParse()是一个更好的选择:

I would not use Convert at all. You would have to catch an ugly exception when the string cannot be converted. int.TryParse() is a much better choice:

int Result;

if (int.TryParse(Session["priceday1"], out Result))
    // parsing was successful
    Result /= 44;
    Label4.Text = Result.ToString();
    // conversion not successful, handle error here


Besides that, what sense does all this make? Why do you convert a string to int, just to take the int and convert it to a string again? Why don''t you just assign the original string from the session directly to the label''s text property? Ahh, I got it!. I overlooked the division.


just do this

Label4.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(Session["priceday1"])  / 44).ToString();

try this
Session["priceday1"] = "5464";
              // Session["priceday1"] = 5464;
           int finalPrice;
           if (Int32.TryParse(Session["priceday1"].ToString(), out finalPrice))
               finalPrice = finalPrice / 44;
               Label1.Text = finalPrice.ToString();
               Label1.Text = "Invalid";