



The Open Graph "Submit for Approval" documentation page says that the team evaluating the Actions will follow our instructions to trigger them. Our iOS app uploads a document to our backend server, and then posts the action with the unique url that was just generated.


What's the best way to get our actions approved by Facebook, given that they can only be triggered from an iOS app that's not available in the app store yet?


The procedure is simple as stated on the comments.

  1. 创建一个模拟iOS所用行为的网络应用 应用发布到Open Graph.

  1. Create a web app that simulates the same behavior used by the iOS App to post to Open Graph.


Give that link to Facebook and explain them your case.

在我的情况下,该应用程序的先前版本(未使用Open Graph API)已经发布,因此我向他们发送了指向该应用程序的链接,解释说这是一项附加功能.

In my case a previous version of the app (that didn't use Open Graph API) was already published so I sent them a link to that App explaining that this is an additional feature.


I suggest in your case sending a video of the app if you don't have a previous version already published.