



How can I send data from my PHP server side App to Android Client Side App in terms of Notification or something else i dont want to use C2DM ,is there any other Alternative.


I want to send such data on a particular event happen on server like a new row inserted in some table or existing row deleted by user A but also shared to user B.So i want to notify user B by sending some notification on his mobile.

在服务器和客户机之间的HTTP通讯通常是由客户端请求启动。 Android有可能由PHP服务器端的请求,作为一个事件没有发生服务运行。所以,我能想象的唯一途径就是在这种情况下使用反向AJAX。结果

A http communication between a Server and a Client is usually started by a client-request. Android has no service running which could be requested by the php server side, as an event happens. So the only way I could imagine is to use reverse ajax in this case.
Maybe take a look here:
Reverse Ajax implementation using php