如何返回动态类型List< dynamic>与Dapper ORM

如何返回动态类型List< dynamic>与Dapper ORM



I have been using Dapper.net for a while now and its a very good ORM mapper which works great with .Net dynamic types.


But I noticed that when Dapper retrieves data from a database it returns as DapperRow type.


Is there are any way that I can return it in any other type Like System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject?


The DapperRow object is designed to share a lot of state between rows. For example, if you fetch 40 rows, the column names etc are only stored once. If we used ExpandoObject, this would need to be configured per row. Hence, the use of DapperRow as the behind-the-scenes implementation detail is a deliberate efficiency thing.

请注意,从dynamic API返回的对象也可以转换为IDictionary<string,object>.

Note that the object returned from the dynamic APIs can also be cast as IDictionary<string,object>.

但是,我愿意支持支持该词典用法的 other 类型-其中ExpandoObject是其中之一.是的,它可以 进行更改,使得:

I would, however, be open to supporting other types that support this dictionary usage - of which ExpandoObject is one. So yes, it could be changed such that:

var rows = conn.Query<ExpandoObject>(...);

有效.它只需要代码 support 即可,并且该代码目前不存在.因此,不,但也许会在将来的版本中."

works. It simply requires code to support it, and that code does not currently exist. So "no, but perhaps in a future build".


Note also that you don't need to use DapperRow at all... The more expected scenario is to use the generic API to materialize your own types.