如何更改codenameone android应用程序中状态栏的颜色?

如何更改codenameone android应用程序中状态栏的颜色?



I would like to change the color of the status bar to match my app background, how can I do this?

可以将colors.xml文件放在CN1项目< project> / native / android 目录下,并附带以下示例内容:

It is possible by placing a colors.xml file under the CN1 project <project>/native/android directory with the following example content:

   <color name="colorPrimary">#ffffc003</color>
   <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#ffffc003</color>
   <color name="colorAccent">#ff009486</color>


Where in this case the colorPrimaryDark is the color you would like to color the status bar