Internet Explorer中的HTML5元素:运行时插入

Internet Explorer中的HTML5元素:运行时插入


我在Internet Explorer 7及更高版本中使用HTML5元素时遇到问题(不测试IE6)。我知道默认情况下,IE拒绝识别常见的HTML5元素,如文章或标题,而不使用Javascriptshiv。我使用了modernizr(来强制IE识别这些元素,以便我可以将CSS样式应用于它们。到目前为止一直很好。

I have a problem with using HTML5 elements in Internet Explorer 7 and up (not testing IE6). I know that by default, IE refuses to recognize common HTML5 elements like "article" or "header" without the use of a Javascript "shiv". I've used modernizr ( to force IE to recognize these elements to that I can apply CSS styles to them. So far so good.


The problem now is that the application uses Javascript to fetch certain HTML fragments (containing HTML5 markup) and inserts them into the document at run-time. On all other browsers, this works flawlessly, but in IE, elements inserted at runtime can't be styled with CSS.


Here's an example of the chunk of markup that I'm injecting into the page:

<article id="block-1" class="block">
  <a href="#">
      <img src="" width="100" height="100" alt="placeholder" />


I've tested my theory by replacing the article tag by a common div, which seems to solve the problem for now, at the expense of semantic markup. But I'd like to know if there are any more future-proof workarounds.



innerShiv is a function which takes your HTML string, adds it to a hidden document-appended element in IE, and returns an IE-safe document fragment or collection.