Azure Web应用程序上的DNN 8 Scheduler errros

Azure Web应用程序上的DNN 8 Scheduler errros


我记得曾经读过DNN平台版本在计划程序任务方面与MS Azure Web应用程序环境作斗争.

I remember reading that the DNN platform edition struggles with the MS Azure web app environment in regards to the scheduler tasks.


DNN平台/社区调度程序不支持Azure Web 站点作为运行该网站的服务器名称不断变化, Azure可以向上或向下扩展或升级基础计算机.有一个 Evoq的解决方案.

The DNN Platform / Community scheduler does not support Azure Web Sites as the server names running the web site are ever changing as Azure scales up and down, or upgrades underlying machines. There is a solution for Evoq.


I am getting the following scheduler errors in my DNN instances on Azure:

线程ID:59 类型:DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler,DOTNETNUKE 例外:锁定获取超时: NativeFSLock @ D:\ home \ site \ wwwroot \ App_Data \ Search \ write.lock

THREAD ID:59 TYPE:DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler,DOTNETNUKE EXCEPTION:Lock obtain timed out: NativeFSLock@D:\home\site\wwwroot\App_Data\Search\write.lock


It is happening A LOT. THis is on a 08.00.04 version


I am also getting the following error on a 08.00.01 version

TYPE:DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.PurgeScheduleHistory,DOTNETNUKE EXCEPTION:执行超时已过期.超时时间已过 到操作完成或服务器没有响应.

TYPE:DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.PurgeScheduleHistory, DOTNETNUKE EXCEPTION:Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

我的问题是dnn平台的调度程序是否可以在azure Web应用程序环境中正常工作,以及交付了哪个版本.这将帮助我解决这些错误.

My question is whether dnn platform's scheduler works properly in the azure web app environment, and what version saw this delivered. This will help me in getting these errors resolved.


我们经常在Azure中托管测试和QA Evoq环境,并且计算机名称确实发生变化,因此需要我们重新激活许可.但是这些都是在免费的或共享的定价层上.我相信,如果您升级到Basic或更高版本,环境应该是专用的.您也可以在此与DNN Corp确认,因为他们自己的OnDemand托管使用Azure.

We often host Test and QA Evoq environments in Azure and the machine names do change, therefore require us to reactivate licensing. But these are on the Free or Shared pricing tiers. I believe if you move to Basic and above, the environment should be dedicated. You can also confirm with DNN Corp on this because their own OnDemand hosting uses Azure.

我在其他环境上看到的搜索写锁定错误,因此我不认为这一定是Azure问题.对于此问题,请重新启动应用程序池并删除App_Data \ Search文件夹中的所有文件.然后启动网站,转到设置">网站设置">搜索",然后单击重新索引内容"按钮.然后从调度程序启动站点爬网程序"作业.确保在站点设置">服务器">服务器设置">"Web服务器"中,仅存在当前服务器名称-删除所有旧服务器名称.在设置">计划程序"中,编辑搜索:网站搜寻器"任务.在服务器"文本框中,可以输入服务器的名称,以确保服务器仅在该服务器上运行,以确保处理过程中没有重叠(认为它处于Webfarm模式).

The Search write-lock error I have seen on other environments so I don't believe it's an Azure problem necessarily. For this issue, restart the app pool and delete all files in the App_Data\Search folder. Then start the site, go to Settings > Site Settings > Search and click the Re-index Content button. Then start the Site Crawler job from the scheduler. Ensure in Site Settings > Servers > Server Settings > Web Servers, that only the current server name is there -- delete any old server names. In Settings > Scheduler, edit the Search: Site Crawler task. In the Servers textbox, you can enter the name of the server so that it ensures it only runs on that server to ensure no overlap in processing (thinking it's in webfarm mode).