如何在 Android Studio 中删除模块

如何在 Android Studio 中删除模块


有没有办法删除 Android Studio 中的模块?当我右键单击某个模块时,我找不到删除选项,是在其他地方吗?

Is there a way to delete a module within Android Studio? When I right click on a module I can't find an option for deletion, is it elsewhere?


The "Mark as Excluded" option isn't there anymore.

当前 (Android Studio 0.8.x - 2.2.x) 执行此操作的方法是通过 项目结构 对话框.可以通过文件 -> 项目结构"或右键单击模块并选择模块设置"来访问它.

The current (Android Studio 0.8.x - 2.2.x) way to do this is via the Project Structure dialog. It can be accessed via "File -> Project Structure" or by right-clicking on a Module and selecting "Module Settings".


Then select the module, and click the "minus" button to remove it.


The directory will still be visible in the "Project" view (though not in the "Android" view) since it's not actually deleted, but it will no longer be treated as a module.


If you want, you can then physically delete the files it by right-clicking on it and pressing "Delete".