



App store is rejecting my app for below reason but I am able to test with my test device and making purchase for app through sandbox environment . I have submitted this app to app store two time and I got rejection. I need someone to help me over this.


2016年1月29日上午3:31 来自苹果 被遗弃的批次 我们发现,当您为应用程序提交In App Purchase产品时,二进制文件中没有In App Purchase功能.

January 29, 2016 at 3:31 AM From Apple Abandoned Batch We found that while you have submitted In App Purchase products for your app, the In App Purchase functionality is not present in your binary.

如果您想在应用中使用In App Purchase,则需要上传一个新的二进制文件,其中包含In App Purchase API,以使用户能够进行购买.

If you would like to utilize In App Purchase in your app, you will need to upload a new binary that incorporates the In App Purchase API to enable users to make a purchase.


Your help will be more than appreciation!

[这是我的应用内购买产品 1 一个> [] 3

[This is my in-app purchases product1 []2 []3

这太荒谬了,但将来会对像我这样的人有所帮助 所以问题出在应用内购买和提交二进制文件

This is so ridiculous but it will helpful for anyone like me in future so problem was In-App Purchase and Submitting Binary


Please if you are submitting app binary for in - app purchase first time don't submit your in - app purchase first.

提交您的构建或二进制文件,并在构建屏幕下选择应用内购买",如第二和第三张屏幕截图所示. >

submit your build or binary with In-App Purchase selected under you build screen as shown second and third screenshot