


我记得有一次我在上传应用程序二进制文件以供 iTunes Connect 批准之前发送应用程序内购买产品时遇到问题,反之亦然.

I remember once I had a problem sending an in app purchase product before uploading the app binary for approval at iTunes Connect, or vice versa.


I know that if I do it in the wrong way, I have to set your in app purchase again and start all over. Can someone help me understand the exact order to this? Which one of them should I do first?

Rant,您可以点击Ready to Upload Binary",然后提交应用程序二进制文件以供批准,您的任何应用内购买都将遵循以下状态应用(正在等待审核、审核中......).

Rant, you can click "Ready to Upload Binary", and then submit the app binary for approval, that any in app purchases you have will follow the statuses of the app (Waiting for review, in review..).


For more details, check this answer here: https://*.com/a/6180741/675486