App Store - 管理应用程序先前版本的可用性

App Store - 管理应用程序先前版本的可用性


Apple 发布了 App Store 的一项新功能.具有不兼容 iOS 版本的 iPhone 所有者能够下载您应用的先前(最后一个兼容版本).

Apple release a new feature of the App Store. The ability for owner of iPhone with non compatible iOS version to download a previous (the last compatible version) of your App.

这可能很酷.但不幸的是,我有一个支持 iOS5 的旧版本应用程序,我的后端根本不支持它.最后一个版本至少需要 iOS6.因此,任何拥有 iOS5 的用户都会下载不受支持的应用版本.

This can be pretty cool. But unfortunaly I have an old version of my App supporting iOS5 which is not at all supported by my backend. The last version require iOS6 minimum. So any user having iOS5 download an unsupported version of the App.

Apple 说你可以删除以前的版本 (新闻/?id=9182013a):

Apple said that you can delete previous version (

如果您不希望提供这些版本,您可以在 iTunes Connect 的管理您的应用程序"模块的权利和定价"部分管理您的应用程序以前版本的可用性

If you do not wish to make these versions available, you can manage the availability of your apps' previous versions in the Rights and Pricing section of the Manage Your Apps module in iTunes Connect


But I can't find any link about this in the "Rights and Pricing".


Did anybody successfully deleted previous version of their App?


EDIT 2013-10-04:Apple 已发送更新电子邮件以宣布该功能(iTunes Connect:管理您的应用以前版本的可用性.")但仍然没有运气.>

EDIT 2013-10-04: Apple have send an update email to announce the feature ("iTunes Connect: Managing the availability of your app's previous versions.") but still no luck.

更新 iTunes Connect (2014) 的新 UI.

Update for new UI of iTunes Connect (2014).

1) 转到 iTunes Connect 上的我的应用"部分.

1) Go to "My Apps" section on iTunes Connect.

2) 点击您要编辑的应用.

2) Click the app that you want to edit.

3) 在顶部菜单上,点击定价"

3) On the top menu, click "Pricing"

4) 点击窗口底部的管理此应用程序的 iCloud 下载设置"

4) Click "Manage iCloud download settings for this app" at the bottom of window