上传二进制应用程序加载器或 Xcode 管理器的最佳方式

上传二进制应用程序加载器或 Xcode 管理器的最佳方式


我想知道将二进制文件上传到 itunestore 的最佳方式.是通过应用程序加载器还是使用 Xcode 管理器归档构建、验证和提交.

I want to know best way for uploading binary to itunestore. Is it through Application loader or using Xcode organizer archive build, validate and submit.

您不再在 Xcode 4 中使用 Application Loader.您只能通过 Xcode Organizer 上传...

正如 zekel 在下面提到的,您仍然可以使用 Application Loader 来提交您的 IPA 文件.如果您自己构建应用程序并希望从一个地方验证和提交,Xcode Organizer 方法非常有用.如果您已将 IPA 签名为系统上安装的正确证书,则 Application Loader 方法很有用.

As zekel mentions below, you can still use Application Loader to submit your IPA files. The Xcode Organiser method is useful if you are building the app yourself and want to validate and submit from one place. Application Loader method is useful if you have the IPA signed to the correct certificates installed on your system.

使用这两种方法后,Application Loader 会为您提供更多进度状态指示,如果您的连接速度较慢,这将非常有用.

After using both methods, Application Loader gives you more indication of progress status which is useful if you are on a slow connection.