Visual Basic dll不同版本

Visual Basic dll不同版本


我开发了一个使用MSDATASRC.dll的VS2008程序.自从我将程序从Win XP pro系统转移到Windows 7以来,我遇到了dll问题.上面列出的.dll是程序中的7.0.9466.1版.但是安装的版本 胜利7是7.0.3300.0.

I developed a VS2008 program that used MSDATASRC.dll. Since I transferred the program from a Win XP pro system to a Windows 7 I have had a dll problem.  The .dll listed above is version 7.0.9466.1 in the program. However the version that was installed by Win 7 was 7.0.3300.0.

我需要一个很好的解释来纠正这个问题.我可以从win xp系统获取dll,但是我不知道将dll放置在文件系统中的位置并进行注册.我不是技术人员.

I need a good explanation to correct this. I can get the dll from my win xp system but I don't know where to place the dll in the file system and register it. I am not a tech person.

最好是(或主持人)将此问题提交给Visual Basic论坛.

Better when a (or a moderator move) this question to the Visual Basic Forum. com/Forums/vstudio/zh-CN/home?forum = vbgeneral


MSDATASRC是AFAIK,在Windows 7和更高版本中不再可用,因此使用风险自负.

MSDATASRC is AFAIK not anymore available in Windows 7 and newer, use is therefore on own risk. 


Where you will install it is your problem, however if you have it in your program you must set a reference to it. 


Project -> Add Reference and then follow what is asked.