APK发行后,Android Google Maps无法正常工作

APK发行后,Android Google Maps无法正常工作


我有一个包含Google Maps的Android应用程序.发布该应用程序之前运行良好,但未显示发布后的地图. 尽管我已在发布后从Google控制台添加了SHA-1证书指纹,并将其添加到重新调整的应用中

I have Android app which include Google Maps It was working fine before releasing the app, but after releasing the maps are not shown . Although I've added SHA-1 certificate fingerprint from google console after releasing and added it to the restrected apps



因此2个SHA-1包含在软件包名称中,当直接从android studio中运行应用程序时,地图可以正常工作,但是从playstore下载该应用程序时,它没有任何显示吗?

So the 2 SHA-1 are included with the package name, the Maps works fine when running the app directly from android studio, but it shows nothing when downloading the app from playstore, any Ideas ?

这是因为Google Play使用不同的SHA-1指纹对应用进行签名,因此您需要使用它并在Google开发者控制台中进行注册

It's because Google Play is signing app with different SHA-1 Fingerprint, so you need to take it and register in google developer's console