套接字的Python C#数据类型

套接字的Python C#数据类型



I am creating a socket server to connect and speak with a C# program over TCP. Currently I am trying to create a way to convert the hex sent over the TCP socket to specific variables (the variable type will be in the packet header, and yes I do know tcp is a stream not technically sending packets but I am designing it like this). Currently I have all of the C# integral numeric types converting to and from bytesarray/integers correctly via the code below (All of the different types are the same with a couple edits to fit the c# type)

## SBYTE Type Class definition
## C#/Unity "sbyte" can be from -128 to 127
## Usage:
## Constructor
## variable = sbyte(integer)
## variable = sbyte(bytearray)
## Variables
## sbyte.integer (Returns integer representation)
## sbyte.bytes (Returns bytearray representation)

class sbyte:

    def __init__(self, input):
        if type(input) == type(int()):
            self.integer = input
            self.bytes = self.__toBytes(input)
        elif type(input) == type(bytearray()):
            self.bytes = input
            self.integer = self.__toInt(input)
            raise TypeError(f"sbyte constructor can take integer or bytearray type not {type(input)}")

    ## Return Integer from Bytes Array
    def __toInt(self, byteArray):
        ## Check that there is only 1 byte
        if len(byteArray) != 1:
            raise OverflowError(f"sbyte.__toInt length can only be 1 byte not {len(byteArray)} bytes")

        ## Return signed integer
        return int.from_bytes(byteArray, byteorder='little', signed=True)

    ## Return Bytes Array from Integer
    def __toBytes(self, integer):

        ## Check that the passed integer is not larger than 128 and is not smaller than -128
        if integer > 127 or integer < -128:
            raise ValueError(f"sbyte.__toBytes can only take an integer less than or equal to 127, and greater than or equal to -128, not \"{integer}\"")

        ## Convert the passed integer to Bytes
        return integer.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little', signed=True)


This is working for all the types I currently implemented, but I do wonder if there is a better way to handle this? Such as using ctype's or some other python library. Since this will be a socket server with potentially many connections handling this as fast as possible is best. Or if there is anything else you see that I can improve I would love to know.


If all you want is an integer value from a byte array, simply index the byte array:

>>> b = bytearray.fromhex('1E')
>>> b[0]