


我想我的应用程序发布到Play商店,但每当我出口的应用作为一个Android应用程序,我的版本code和版本名都分别为1,1.0复归。我只是按照指示在这里:How为我的Andr​​oid Market的APK创建证书?

I'm trying to publish my app to the Play Store but whenever I export the app as an Android application, my version code and version names get reverted to "1" and "1.0" respectively. I am simply following the instructions here: How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK?


I don't understand what is going on. I'm trying to make it 2 and 1.1.

更新:这是在行动错误的YouTube视频:的 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLMf0iqpbIg&feature=youtu.be

UPDATE: Here's a YouTube video of the error in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLMf0iqpbIg&feature=youtu.be


  1. 设置安卓版本code 2,安卓的versionName 来在清单1.1。清洁工程,建设项目。

  2. 从Eclipse工作区中删除的项目。

  3. 转到项目通过您的操作系统的文件浏览器文件夹中。

  4. 删除 project.properties ,可能的罪魁祸首。

  5. 在Eclipse中重新导入该项目。

  6. 在项目上单击右键 - >属性 - > Android的 - >设置目标的SDK API级别16

  7. 导出为Android应用程序像往常一样。

  1. Set android:versionCode to 2, android:versionName to 1.1 in the manifest. Clean project, build project.
  2. Delete project from Eclipse workspace.
  3. Go to project folder via your OS's file explorer.
  4. Delete project.properties, the LIKELY culprit.
  5. Import the project again in Eclipse.
  6. Right-click on project -> Properties -> Android -> Set the target SDK to API level 16.
  7. Export as Android app as usual.