


我创建了一个Java程序,该程序使用 Chrome驱动程序 Java Excel API .该程序用于在Google Chrome浏览器上自动执行一些不同的过程.当前,设置这种自动化比我希望的要复杂得多:用户需要下载一个压缩文件夹,解压缩它,下载Java Runtime Environment,然后使用可执行文件启动该程序.

I have created a Java program that utilizes Chrome Driver, Selenium, and Java Excel API. The program is used to automate a few different processes on Google Chrome. Currently, setting up this automation is more complicated than I would like it to be: the user needs to download a zipped folder, unzip it, download the Java Runtime Environment, and launch the program using the executable.


My goal is to simplify the installation of the automation. Ideally, a user would come to a SharePoint website, fill out a form with the parameters of the automation (potentially upload an Excel Workbook), click an "execute" button, and the automation would run. As a result, the automation would run seamlessly across platforms (Windows and MacOS) without any modifications.

我已经研究过更改编程语言以实现此功能.我得出的结论是,使用另一种语言可以消除对Java Runtime Environment下载的需求,但是仍然需要某种类型的安装过程.此外,我已经使用HTML/JavaScript进行了研究,但我得出结论,这是不可能的,因为在用户不知情的情况下,可能会恶意使用该功能(从网站触发网络自动化).最后,我开始通过Docker研究容器化.这个解决方案似乎很有希望,但我对它的了解还不足以确定它是否是合适的解决方案.

I have researched changing the programming language to achieve this functionality. I concluded that a different language could remove the need for a Java Runtime Environment download, but it would still require some type of installation process. Additionally, I have researched using HTML/JavaScript, but I concluded that this is not possible because the functionality (triggering a web automation from a website) could be used maliciously without the user's knowledge. Finally, I began researching containerization through Docker. This solution seems promising but I do not know enough about it to determine if it is the appropriate solution.


What would be the best route to achieve the results that I am looking for (outlined in the second paragraph)? I have access to enterprise-grade databases that I thought may be useful. Would it be possible to have the form trigger a virtual machine to run the automation on a remote database and then output the result to the user once it has finished?


Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide. I do not know much about making a Java program into an enterprise-grade application so any information about what to research is extremely useful. Finally, please do not hesitate to correct my logic at any point in this question as I may have drawn the wrong conclusions from my research.


You want to look into creating a jar file with your selenium code.