



I want to install the 'rope' package in my current active environment using conda. Currently, the following 'rope' versions are available:

(data_downloader)user@user-ThinkPad ~/code/data_downloader $ conda search rope
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata: ....
cached-property              1.2.0                    py27_0  defaults        
                             1.2.0                    py34_0  defaults        
                             1.2.0                    py35_0  defaults        
                             1.3.0                    py27_0  defaults        
                             1.3.0                    py34_0  defaults        
                             1.3.0                    py35_0  defaults        
rope                         0.9.4                    py26_0  defaults        
                             0.9.4                    py27_0  defaults        
                             0.9.4                    py33_0  defaults        
                             0.9.4                    py34_0  defaults        
                             0.9.4                    py26_1  defaults        
                             0.9.4                    py27_1  defaults        
                             0.9.4                    py33_1  defaults        
                             0.9.4                    py34_1  defaults        
                          .  0.9.4                    py35_1  defaults        


                         1.3.0                    py35_0  defaults        

我已经尝试过各种"conda install"的排列方式,因为它们都不正确,所以我不会在这里列出.

I've tried all sorts of permutations of 'conda install' which I'm not going to list here because none of them are correct.

我也不确定 py35_0 是什么(我假设这是构建软件包所依据的python版本?),我也不知道什么是默认值"是什么意思?

I am also not sure what the py35_0 is (I'm assuming this is the version of the python against which the package was built?) and I also don't know what 'defaults' means?

rope没有版本1.3.0. 1.3.0指的是包cached-property. rope的最高可用版本是0.9.4.

There is no version 1.3.0 for rope. 1.3.0 refers to the package cached-property. The highest available version of rope is 0.9.4.

您可以使用conda install package=version安装不同的版本.但是在这种情况下,只有rope的一个版本,因此您不需要它.

You can install different versions with conda install package=version. But in this case there is only one version of rope so you don't need that.

在此清单中看到cached-property的原因是因为它包含字符串"rope":"cached -p 绳索 erty"

The reason you see the cached-property in this listing is because it contains the string "rope": "cached-p rope erty"


py35_0 means that you need python version 3.5 for this specific version. If you only have python3.4 and the package is only for version 3.5 you cannot install it with conda.


I am not quite sure on the defaults either. It should be an indication that this package is inside the default conda channel.