使用CICP/Firebase身份验证中的访问令牌时,未配置返回JWT Issuer的Cloud Endpoints Auth

使用CICP/Firebase身份验证中的访问令牌时,未配置返回JWT Issuer的Cloud Endpoints Auth


现在我的OpenAPI yaml看起来像这样:

Right now my OpenAPI yaml looks like this:


And my Access Token coming out of my JWT in raw format looks like this:

Google-Issuer和JWT iss完全相同,JWT kid匹配google-jwks_uri提供的链接内的键ID,而google-audits匹配aud.所以,实际上,我不能看看为什么这行不通,但是当我使用Bearer访问令牌调用api时,我会收到401,并且未配置Jwt颁发者".

The Google-Issuer and the JWT iss are the exact same, the JWT kid matches the key ids inside the link provided by the google-jwks_uri, and the google-audiences match the aud.So, really, I can't see why this wouldn't work, and yet when i call the api with the Bearer access token i receive a 401 and "Jwt issuer is not configured".


@BryceSoker I ran into a similar problem and found that changing

x-google-issuer:" https://accounts.google.com " 到 x-google-issuer:"accounts.google.com"

x-google-issuer: "https://accounts.google.com" to x-google-issuer: "accounts.google.com"


to match the "iss": "accounts.google.com" in the ID token fixed the problem.