在不使用基本身份验证的情况下撤销 Oauth2 令牌

在不使用基本身份验证的情况下撤销 Oauth2 令牌


我正在尝试实现书中的示例 OAuth-2.0-Cookbook 使用 Spring Cloud OAuth2.

I'm trying to implement the example from the book OAuth-2.0-Cookbook using Spring cloud OAuth2.

我设法实现了他的功能,但不幸的是我遇到了一个问题:为了成功调用,我必须提供基本的身份验证凭据(Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cXdlcnR5):

I managed to implement his functionality but unfortunately I'm facing a problem: In order to make successful call I have to provide basic authentication credentials(Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cXdlcnR5):

public ResponseEntity<String> revoke(@RequestParam Map<String, String> params) {
    RevocationService revocationService = revocationServiceFactory


    return ResponseEntity.ok().build();

Github 来源

我喜欢在发出 POST 请求以撤销令牌时进行某种身份验证的想法,但我不认为 Angular SPA 应用程序应该一直保留用户名和密码以成功调用 /oauth/revoke.

I like the idea to have some kind of authentication when POST request is made to revoke a token but I don't think that Angular SPA app should hold the username and password all the time in order to make a successful call to /oauth/revoke.

通常,Google 上的解决方案只有一个仅接受令牌的端点.对于这种情况,我不知道什么解决方案是合适的.

In general the solution on Google have the just a endpoint which accept only token. For that cases I don't know what solution can be appropriate.

如何将基本身份验证功能移除到 Spring Cloud OAuth2 中?我使用这个安全配置:

How I can remove the basic authentication functionality into Spring Cloud OAuth2? I use this security config:

            // Configure token authentication permissions
            // Configure token revoke permissions

Github 来源:


you can disable the authetication for revoke endpoint like this
