如何在Windows CE控制台应用程序中处理Ctrl + C?

如何在Windows CE控制台应用程序中处理Ctrl + C?


我需要在关闭我的应用程序之前进行一些清理,但 SetConsoleCtrlHandler 似乎不适用于Windows CE控制台应用程序。

I need to make some clean up before closing my application, but SetConsoleCtrlHandler doesn't seem to be available for Windows CE console applications.

在Windows CE 6中是否有其他方法来处理 Ctrl + C

Is there any alternative method for handling Ctrl+C in Windows CE 6?

根据Microsoft的文档,在Windows CE 3.0及以上版本中,使用 IOCTL_CONSOLE_SETCONTROLCHANDLER 调用的 DeviceIoControl / code>控制代码将在Windows CE上安装一个Ctrl + C处理程序。我还没有尝试过自己,但这样的应该工作:

According to Microsoft's documentation, on Windows CE 3.0 and up, the DeviceIoControl function called with the IOCTL_CONSOLE_SETCONTROLCHANDLER control code will install a Ctrl+C handler on Windows CE. I haven't tried it out myself yet, but something like this "should" work:

DWORD ignore;
    _fileno(stdout),                    // handle to the console
    IOCTL_CONSOLE_SETCONTROLCHANDLER,   // Tell Win CE to set the console Ctrl+C handler
    (LPVOID)consoleHandler,             // pointer to the signal handler
    sizeof(consoleHandler),             // size of the pointer
    NULL,                               // output buffer not needed
    0,                                  // zero output buffer size
    &ignore,                            // no data will be put into the output buffer so we don't need its size
    NULL);                              // not an asynchronous operation - don't need to provide async info

其中 consoleHandler 当然是您的Ctrl + C处理程序。

where consoleHandler is of course your Ctrl+C handler.


  • DeviceIoControl (CE 7)


  • Console.h

  • winbase.h (通常通过windows.h包含)。

  • Console.h
  • winbase.h (usually included through windows.h).