无法在 Google Play 开发者控制台中的 Android Wear 上分发应用

无法在 Google Play 开发者控制台中的 Android Wear 上分发应用


我正在尝试通过 Google Play Developer Console 提交我新创建的 Android Wear 表盘.问题是定价和分发部分中的复选框在 Android Wear 上分发您的应用程序"被禁用.我不明白为什么.

Im trying to submit my newly created Android Wear watch face through Google Play Developer Console. The problem is checkbox "Distribute your app on Android Wear" in pricing and distribution section is disabled. I cant understand why.


1) 上传 Android Wear 屏幕截图

1) Uploaded screenshot for Android Wear

2) 在封闭测试版中上传了 2 个 APK 文件.两个文件都用一个密钥签名,具有不同的版本名称.首先是带有嵌入式穿戴 apk (minSdkVersion 23) 的手机 apk,其次是独立穿戴 apk (minSdkVersion 25) 在清单中具有元数据 android:name="com.google.android.wearable.standalone" android:value="true"文件.

2) Uploaded 2 APK files in closed Beta releases. Both files are signed with one key, have different version names. First is phone apk with embedded wear apk (minSdkVersion 23), second - standalone wear apk (minSdkVersion 25) has meta-data android:name="com.google.android.wearable.standalone" android:value="true" in manifest file.

一切似乎都很好,应用已准备好在生产中发布,但在 Android Wear 上分发您的应用"复选框仍处于禁用状态.我错过了什么?

Everythings seems fine and app is ready to publish in production, except the "Distribute your app on Android Wear" checkbox which remains disabled. What Im missing?

我收到了来自 Google 支持人员的电子邮件,说他们已经解决了这个问题并进行了一些更改.他们注意到我的移动清单文件缺少行 <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.type.watch"/>我在 Wear 模块清单中只有这一行.

I've received the email from Google support saying that they worked on the issue and changed something. They noted that my manifest file for mobile was missing line <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.type.watch"/> I only had this line in Wear module manifest.

我添加了这一行,上传了一个新版本,其中包含 2 个用于 Wear 2.0 和 1.0 的 apk 文件,然后启用该复选框.

I've added this line, uploaded a new version with 2 apk files for wear 2.0 and 1.0 and after that checkbox became enabled.

目前,Wear 2.0 的官方 Docks 并没有明确说明应该将此行添加到两个清单文件中.

Currently, the official docks for Wear 2.0 don't clearly say that this line should be added to both manifest files.

同样奇怪的是,在这个项目出现问题之前,我成功地将另一个 Wear 2.0 项目上传到了开发者控制台(启用了复选框),并且该行仅在 Wear 模块清单中.

Also strange that before the problem with this project I managed to successfully upload another Wear 2.0 project to Developer Console (with checkbox enabled), and the line was only in Wear module manifest.